Investment in good people
We identify, attract, develop and retain skilled, experienced, competent and committed people
Investment in technology
We use the best and latest technologies to enhance service delivery to our clients.
Collaboration with others
We actively work collaboratively within and through professional networks and alliances to create strong teams and deliver a diversified range of services to clients.
Our Core Strategy
Our core strategy is informed by our desire to meet the needs and expectations of our clients and has three components which are as follows:
Our approach
We have developed innovative approaches which ensure that our clients obtain effective and tailored solutions. We bring together experts to collaborate on service delivery. We work mostly with local experts who have a better understanding of the terrain and we infuse their local knowledge with international expertise to deliver international best practice.
Our Client Service Standards
Determine, on each engagement, who our clients are and directly ascertain their expectations for performance.
Analyze our clients’ needs and professional service requirements.
Develop client service objectives which will enable us fulfill our professional responsibilities, satisfy our clients’ needs, and exceed their expectations. Prepare an appropriate client service plan to achieve these client service objectives.
Execute the client service plan in a manner that ensures commitments are met, potential problems anticipated, and surprises avoided.
Establish effective and creative communications, both internal and external, to enhance client perceptions of the value and quality of our service.
Provide management with insights on the conditions of their business and meaningful suggestions for improvement.
Continually broaden and strengthen our relationships with key management personnel to facilitate effective communication and foster client loyalty.
Ensure that any professional, technical, or client service problem is resolved promptly with timely consultations in an environment of mutual respect.
Obtain from the client, either formally or informally, a regular assessment of our performance.
Receive fees that reflect the value of services provided and responsibilities assumed, and are considered fair and reasonably by our clients.
Our Quality Service Pledge
We have adopted a quality service pledge which commits us to provide clients with services which consistently meet the highest professional, quality and ethical standards. We strive to earn clients’ unqualified trust and confidence in all our dealings. We are bound and abide by our quality pledge which provides that we will:
Fully consult and involve you in the manner in which we execute our engagements with you so that you fully understand and own the evolving solutions.
Ensure that each assignment is managed or directed by a full-time member of our staff to provide you with direct access to our resources and to enhance our accountability.
Provide you with consultants and staff who are experienced, competent and knowledgeable in the specific work areas for which they are contracted.
Be honest and open in all our dealings with you and we will always tell you what we can do and what we cannot, or will not do.
Offer you professional, trustworthy, cost-effective and affordable products, services and solutions which meet your needs and reflect international best practice.
Treat in confidence any information about you and your business interests and treat you with civility, respect, courteousness and professionalism
Strive to meet all our commitments to you ensuring timely delivery of outputs based on agreed terms of reference, work plans and timelines.
Conduct client satisfaction surveys for each completed assignment so that you can inform us whether we have delivered to your expectation and satisfaction.
Promptly respond to any queries, complaints and feedback received from you and expeditiously resolve or redress any omissions and failings in our service.
Ensure that our staff and our associates are trained, informed and kept abreast with the latest trends and thinking which have a bearing on their services to you.
Make ourselves accessible to you to the widest extent possible through use of modern technologies including mobile telephony, instant messaging and emails.
Support the communities in which we work by encouraging our staff and associates to engage in social voluntary work and community services.